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    Air Crash Investigation Complete Season One -6 Episodes

    Mostafa mohamed
    Mostafa mohamed

    الجنس : ذكر
    عدد الرسائل : 104
    العمر : 31
    مهنتك : EgyptAir captain
    تاريخ التسجيل : 11/07/2007

    جديد Air Crash Investigation Complete Season One -6 Episodes

    مُساهمة من طرف Mostafa mohamed الثلاثاء يوليو 28, 2009 12:55 pm

    حصريا في منتديات عالم الطيران المصرية

    Air Crash Investigation Complete Season One -6 Episodes 000e35e8medium

    National Geographic Air Crash Investigation Complete Season One (6 Episodes) (2008)
    46:46 | DivX | 640 x 480 | 256Kbps | 23fps | MP3 | 134kbps | 2.02 GB
    Genre: Documentary

    Air Crash Investigation Complete Season One -6 Episodes 000e35eamedium

    1. Unlocking Disaster

    A Boeing 747 operating as United Airlines Flight 811 from Honolulu to Auckland is above the Pacific Ocean when part of the RH forward fuselage rips off. An improperly closed cargo door was blown open by the force of the cabin pressurization. Nine people are ejected from the aircraft; some are still strapped to their seats. The Boeing 747 safely lands back at Honolulu without any more loss of life.

    2. Racing The Storm

    During their pre-landing checks during approach to Little Rock National Airport, the crew of American Airlines Flight 1420 forget to preset the spoilers to extend automatically when the aircraft touches down. The MD-82 overruns the runway and eleven people are killed.

    3. Fire on Board

    A McDonnell Douglas MD-11 operating as Swissair Flight 111 experiences a fire in the cockpit due to faulty wiring. The pilots divert the aircraft to Halifax, Nova Scotia, but vital systems fail while dumping fuel in preparation for landing. The aircraft crashes into the sea off Peggy's Cove with no survivors.

    4. Cutting Corners

    Alaska Airlines Flight 261 is heading for Seattle via San Francisco but its trimmable horizontal stabilizer jams due to an improperly maintained jackscrew assembly. The stabilizer breaks free from its control system and the aircraft dives inverted into the Pacific Ocean, causing the death of all on board.

    5. Flying Blind

    The pilots of Aeroperú Flight 603 are confused by false speed and altitude readings and contradictory warnings from the aircraft's air data system, caused by duct tape over the static ports. The pilots descend the aircraft over the Pacific Ocean in preparation for an emergency landing, but it is much lower than the altimeter indicates. One wingtip touches the water and the aircraft crashes seconds later, killing everyone on board.

    6. Flying on Empty

    Air Transat Flight 236 leaks large amounts of fuel, but the pilots discount the ECAM warnings and the aircraft runs out of fuel. The pilots glide the aircraft to a naval base in the Azores where it lands safely. The post-incident investigation determines that improper maintenance actions during an engine change caused a hydraulic oil pipe and a fuel pipe to touch each other, resulting in the fracture of the fuel pipe.


    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8
    Part 9
    Part 10
    Part 11

    عالم الطيران


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